Friday, February 8, 2019

Thriller moodboard - individual

Thriller movies mood board

        Camera shots

1.  A Close up at an eye level angle is used in Thriller films. An example is shown in the film ‘Get Out’ ( At 1:54, the shot shows the main character with tears strolling down his face as he is being hypnotized by the antagonist. This shot is used to show the audience the characters facial expressions which conveys the characters state of shock. The angle helps to engage and thrill the audience as the character is looking directly at them. Therefore, this shot makes the audience feel anxious as they are unsure of what is going to happen next.
2.   A Long shot and a fast pan to the right is used in the chase scene from the film 'Taken' ( At 1:23 the protagonist is chasing the antagonist who has kidnapped his daughter. A long shot is used to show the characters actions as well as the setting. Whilst a fast paced pan keeps the character in shot and shows his determination and strength to save his daughter. This makes the audience feel on edge as they want to know whether he will catch up to the antagonist.

Editing techniques

3.     A montage of shots with fade is used in the film ‘The Strangers: Prey at Night’. At 0:56 there is a quick montage of scenes that happen throughout the film. A Montage is where shots are juxtaposed in an often fast paced fashion that compresses time and conveys a lot of information in a relatively short period.This will thrill the audience and engage them in the film. (
4.   Parallel editing is used in the film 'Taken'. At 0:44 it shows two/three scenes that are happening simultaneously but in different locations. The father - who is in America - is calling the daughter who is in Paris where she is about to get kidnapped. Whilst her father tells her what to do from one side of the camera screen, the daughter is responding to his instructions (such as hiding under the bed) from the other side of the screen. The audience can therefore see what is going on in both scenes which keeps them engaged as it shows each characters emotions and actions  (


5.     The Location creates both a sense of place and a mood and it may also reflect a character’s emotional state of mind. An example of where the location is established is in the film 'Halloween' ( At 0:53, there is an establishing shot of a gloomy, dull house that looks abandoned. This is used to set the scene and could also give the audience an idea of the narrative. This house also creates a mysterious atmosphere.
6.       The use of Costumes/Props can be seen in the thriller 'Halloween' ( At 1:49, it denotes the antagonist putting on a halloween mask to hide his identity. This mask reflects the character's personality/status and signifies the differences between the characters in the thriller. It is also used to scare the audience as this film is a combination of Thriller and Horror. 

7.    Sound effects are used in films to create a certain atmosphere. For example, in the action thriller 'Taken' there are many sound effects used ( At 1:29, there are sounds of gunshots and glass windows smashing. This creates a tense atmosphere and helps to build up to the climax of the film. It also makes the audience feel on edge and gives them a thrill as they may not be expecting a loud sound such as a gunshot. 

8.  Music is used in films to make the audience feel a certain way and create a certain mood. An example can be seen in the thriller 'Halloween'  ( At 1:50, suspenseful and mysterious music starts to play (which is also the main theme music for the film). The effect of this music is to create a tense atmosphere and also helps to build up to the climax of the narrative so the audience is aware something unexpected is going to occur. 

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Final Thriller Opening Sequence